Stories of people who have come to know Jesus in a personal way.

Wendy Lau
This is a difficult testimony to give because I don’t think I would like my pre-Christian self very much. Talk of God and Jesus makes beforeChristian me and other atheists and agnostics uncomfortable. “’God this and Jesus that,’ can’t she think for herself?” we grumble to each other.

What we fail to notice, because of how quickly we backed away, is the sense of peace that this Believer possesses. When you trust God’s Plan and accept His sacrifice for us, it’s easier to be thankful and happy. To read the full story click here (PDF).

Zhen Lau
Growing up, I never went to church, my parents talked about God on occasion, but we weren’t a Christian household. I believed in God because of the circle of life and the balance of nature, it’s too perfect to be a coincidence. But I didn’t know about Jesus and I didn’t think about religion in my everyday life.

Then, about four years ago, I started listening to podcasts on finance and politics. I had to, I was making money and didn’t know what to do with it and politically, people were losing all common sense and rationality. The podcasts I listened to would rationalize the why’s and the how’s and when they explained it, it all came down to God and Christ. Morals come from God who is above governments and societies. Generosity is good because Jesus cares for the poor and the needy. I didn’t really think about that before. I just thought that it’s good because it’s good.  To read the full story click here (PDF).

Dustin Rellez
My name is Dustin Rellez and I was born and raised here in Hawaii. I grew up in a Christian home where we were taught to believe in God and attended a Pentecostal Christian Church. Though I always knew there was a God growing up as most people in that time did, I did not understand fully the doctrines of God and what he truly did to save me. I did not learn much of the Bible in the Church I grew up in and I had a shallow faith which basically led me think as long as I do more good than bad I should go to heaven.

Before I had truly received the Lord Jesus into my life, my life was full of sin and I don’t think I even realized it. I had joined the Air Force right after graduating high school and pretty much right from the start I became accustomed to the drinking culture that was prevalent in the armed forces. I still felt that I was a better person than others that there were a lot people who did a lot worse than I did. Basically my life consisted of satisfying my worldly and fleshly desires. I had stopped attending Church and if I was not at work most of my time was being spent going out to bars and getting drunk. I was living life carelessly following the ways of the world. Though I knew there was a God I did not understand how much the way I was living was grieving His Spirit. Being young and sort of a follower by nature I did a lot of things trying to fit in and be like everyone else letting myself be influenced by the world instead of serving our Lord. During those years I always felt an emptiness inside like there was something missing. I attributed it to me missing home.  To read the full story click here (PDF).