“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near;" Isaiah 55:6 (ESV)

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Rapture Kit
A Rapture Kit is a resource designed to aid believers in actively praying for and reaching out to individuals who are not yet saved. The goals are to lead individuals to Christ and provide support to individuals who delay in making that decision and are not taken by Christ in the Rapture. The giving of a Rapture Kit is an expression of care and God’s love, and a way for believers today to have a spiritual impact in the world even after they have been taken in the Rapture by Christ.

A Rapture Kit is a collection of resources designed to draw people to faith, explain what the Rapture is and what has happened, and help individuals be prepared for events associated with the Tribulation.

A Rapture Kit is a resource that will aid believers in being a witness before the Rapture, and draw individuals to faith and equip new believers for service in a post-Rapture world.

What is included in a Rapture Kit?

The Rapture Kit includes following: A Bible, a digital folder with more than 120 pages of important information (information on how to be saved, what has happened, what to expect, and how to prepare for what is to come), eight books (on the topics of prophecy, apologetics, the Christian Walk, and being a Watchman for the Lord), 12 video teachings (on prophecy, how to be saved, apologetics/reasons for faith, and living out your faith), a two-part audio teaching on why and how to share your faith, an illustrated storybook for children, several spiritual tracts from World Missionary Press, and a 40-minute video presentation noting what the Rapture is, what has happened, and what to do now. These resources come preloaded on an 8 GB Flash Drive and shipped in handsome, full color packaging.

Note: Physical books and DVD’s can be purchased through the Shop page of the RaptureKit.org website

99 Promises of God
The “199 Promises of God” is a compact book that offers a collection of God’s promises from the Bible, providing encouragement and hope. It features quotations from the King James Version and is designed to be a source of comfort and inspiration, especially during challenging times. The book is often used in visitation ministries and personal devotion, and it’s known for being a pocket-sized treasure filled with faith-fortifying nuggets.

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